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Monday, July 24, 2017

Birthday PLAYday fun...

Play turned 6 years old yesterday and he had a full day of fun!

He started off his day with a good, long nap in his beloved screened room.

After his nap he came inside to check that his birthday pupcakes were living up to his very high expectations of deliciousness.

Next up was a little in-house playtime with his brother because it was way TOOOOO hot outside! Play is not a fan of sweltering playtimes so he called out to Day (who WAS having some sunshiny fun) from his shade spot, "Hey, Day... let's go and have an INSIDE play instead!"

And so, inside they went to make a mess of the living room while having a fun little play!

After their playtime, we all got settled into the car for a nice ride out to camp. While getting his hiking shoes on for a camp walk, Play pretended he was a GIANT and decided that the burning pile on the beach below would make for a perfect GIANTs pre-walk snack!

When both boys were ready, off we headed for our walk.

They share-sniffed some interesting smells...

They found a beautiful butterfly fluttering through a daisy patch...

And they thought they heard something BIG in the forest... but it turned out to be only the tree leaves rustling in the breeze...

It was just clouding over when we were getting ready to head home again.

But the clouds had cleared and the backyard was shade-filled by the time we actually arrived home... so outside playtime was a GO!

A little twin-bare-bum skippin'...

Then a little "Please play with me, Play, pleading...

Then a little "Hi Neighbour!" greeting...

Followed by Play taunting in a victory skip around the yard with the toy he decided to monopolize...

And finally it was time for what Play had been so patiently waiting for ALL day long.....


Play thoroughly enjoyed his delicious pupcake...

And Day thoroughly enjoyed his delicious pupcake...

And Play has decided that because we all had such a fun day he should just keep turning 6... EVERY day!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

BirthDAY fun!

Day turned 8 years old yesterday and he had a really fun day!

He began the day with a good-morning snuggle with Mama.

Next up,  he had a fun morning playrun with his brother.

Then we headed out to camp in the afternoon for a quiet little nature walk...

...aaaaand we'd also gone to camp because we needed some more dirt delivered and the PlayDay Duo just LOVE to watch the dumptruck magic happen!

Once the dirt dumps were finished with, it was home-time for a little rest... order to be re-energized for when Uncle Derby came to play!!!

Day and Uncle Derby had a fun little playtime in the evening shade.

And then Day chose a toy to play with while Uncle Derby graciously stood still to let Play give him a good once over... Uncle Derby really wants to play with Play but he is lovingly and patiently respectful that Play, even after two years, has still not yet fully accepted him as a Greyhound. Play loves his Uncle Derby but he's just not sure of how to run and play with him like he does with his brother.

After playtime followed by a little rest it was time for cake!

Grandma did the cake slicing and Derby made certain she divided the cake deliciousness up precicely EVENLY!!

Birthday Boy, Day, sure enjoyed every bite of his cake!

Play sure enjoyed every bite of his cake!

And Derby sure enjoyed every bite of his cake!

All in all it was a pretty great day for this sweet 8 year old boy and his posse of fun!