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Monday, March 19, 2018

Flooring install the PlayDay way.....

And so, we rushed and got enough flooring down for the Duo to more comfortably supervise from their favourite camp beds.....


  1. Thank you for another greyt PlayDay episode! I was just thinking about Day's leg yesterday and wondering how he was coping with the cast. Sending you guys good thoughts!

    1. Thank you, so much, Carolyn! Day is doing really well with adapting to moving about and has become a true champ at the three-legged hop up onto the furniture which has lifted his spirits immensely. He’s still not having much fun but he’s a brave lil’ trouper... Thanks again! 😃

  2. Loving that color of wood, very pretty! Hope all goes well with the rest of the renovation, thanks for the share. Loved checking out the latest episode!
    World of Animals
